September 27, 2010

Oh, yes.

“Do the thing and you will have the power. But they that do not the thing, had not the power.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

September 20, 2010

Joey Baron's words of wisdom

You have to listen. You can't do anything that you really don't hear. You can get it out of a book or someone can show you something, but if you're not really hearing it inside you're not going to be able to put much belief in it. I mean I know all about all kinds of things and techniques and tricky things but I just don't hear it so I don't waste time trying to force myself to play stuff that I don't hear. I don't fancy myself as being a technical player although a lot of people say: your chops are this and that and how do you do this so's like I'm not even relating to music that way.”

- Joey Baron

September 14, 2010

I realize #45

To listen is not merely to hear.
To see is not merely to look.

September 13, 2010

I realize #44

Growth, improvement and change is the natural order of things. Happiness is the result of challenging ourselves.

September 3, 2010

I realize #43

The best control is when we are least aware of it. When attention is focused not on control, but on letting go and naturally responding to whatever happens.