May 23, 2011

So much in this small quote

Any genuine philosophy leads to action and from action back again to wonder, to the enduring fact of mystery.
- Henry Miller

May 6, 2011

Keith Jarret's words of wisdom

Try to imagine
the first musician.
He was not playing for an audience,
or a market, or working on
his next recording,
or touring with his show,
or working on his image.

He was
playing out of need,
out of his need for the music.
Every year the number of
musicians who remember why
they play music in the first place
gets smaller and smaller.

May 2, 2011

Beyond right and wrong

The man who lives with fixed ideas lives a dead life. He is never spontaneous and he is never in a right relationship with the situation that exists. He is never response-able; he functions out of his old conclusions which are no longer relevant, he does not look at the situation itself.

There is nothing right or wrong.
It all depends on your standpoint.

If somebody wants to decide absolutely, he will be
paralyzed; he will not be able to act.
If you want to act only when you have an absolute decision
about what is right, you will be paralyzed.
You will not be able to act. One has to act, and to act in a
relative world. There is no absolute decision, so don't wait for it.
Just watch, see, and whatever you feel is right, do it.

Any action that happens through awareness is right;
any action that happens through unawareness is wrong.

Whatsoever you are doing, do it with such consciousness
as if it is a question of life and death; as if a sword is hanging over you.

But see the emphasis! The emphasis is not on the action itself,
the emphasis is on the source — awareness or unawareness.
If you act fully aware, then whatsoever you do is right.
If you move mechanically and do things unconsciously
as if you are a sleepwalker, a somnambulist,
then whatsoever you do is wrong.
Awareness is right, unawareness is wrong.

- Osho