June 25, 2012


The mind has no clarity. It is clouded by so many thoughts; it is incapable of decision because it is incapable of clarity. Once mind is silent, once there is a state of no-mind, being is very sharp and clear. There is no question of either/or, there is no question of choosing; whatever the being does is choiceless. It simply does that which the clarity allows it to do. It is always right. Just as mind is always wrong, being is always right. But the West has not recognized being. Hence, in the muddy waters of the mind, Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Alfred Adler and their progeny -- they are all just making the water more muddy. They have themselves not known that there is something in their innermost core which cannot go mad, which is sanity itself. Existence speaks through it -- it is the voice of life itself.

June 24, 2012

You are what you do; so do what you are

You are what you do; so do what you are!

Don't follow this with the mind, you'll get tangled up in arguments again.

This is not an argument. Embrace that which arises naturally in you, follow it unquestioningly.

Take no credit, take no blame. Simply be and act spontaneously.

Happy and Alert

"And if you are happy and alert, there is no need to be worried about how not to commit the same mistakes -- you will not commit."

- Osho


Outer circumstances don’t need so much effort to be changed but the inner lethargy is centuries old. The unconsciousness is so primitive, its roots are so deep, that it needs a total determination on your part, a tremendous determination, a commitment, a deep involvement. You have to risk all. Unless that happens it is impossible to change yourself, you will remain the same.