October 20, 2007

Smoke; it's worth it.

IT'S AMAZING! No smoking on the train! What happened? Are we in Waukegan, Illinois? Europe is civilisation. You're not supposed to be gawked at or pointed at or mocked for smoking. I've always thought of starting my own airline, if I could get a bunch of investors together, called 'Air Smoke'. We'd make smoking mandatory. We'd issue the customers a little packet of cigarettes and tell them that we expect it to be done by the time we reach our destination.
- Johnny Depp

I'VE BEEN doing some sums following the recent medical assertion that every fag you smoke costs you eleven minutes of your life. Let's take somebody who is aged 100 and has smoked a modest ten a day since the age of 15. That's 310,250 cigarettes or a total of 3,412,750 minutes of lost time. In more understandable terms, that means this person would have lived an extra six and a half years if he-she hadn't ever smoked. My question is: would that be much of a bonus?
- James Whitaker

If I cannot smoke in heaven, then I shall not go.
- Mark Twain

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