November 29, 2007

Live for the challenge.

This is a simple one. There is no point to a life devoid of challenge no matter what anyone says. I pity the fool who thinks the ideal situation is a constant state of carefree enjoyment and pleasure. That is why Shaw and other great thinkers have always painted Hell as a place of eternal indulgence:
A perpetual holiday is a good working definition of hell.
-George Bernard Shaw
The best way to truly live is to constantly challenge and outgrow yourself. Expect frustration, failure, discomfort, unhappiness, doubt and pain. True men are made of blood, sweat and tears. However, know that nothing can replace the fulfillment of reaping the rewards of your own hard work. Live for that fulfillment and don't look for easy fixes. Live for the challenge. Why go for the fool's gold when the real gold is in your grasp?

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