March 9, 2009

Perception is everything.

To claim the title 'individual' one must consistently and tirelessly aim to expand his perception of the world that surrounds him. Everything that one thinks and does is directly connected to one's perception. Of course perception can be occasionally affected by other factors, such as one's emotions at a given moment. But generally speaking, if one wishes to enjoy the fullest possible gamut of life's experiences one must seek to escape the mass perception that is, without our own will, instilled in our consciousness by the external sources that surround us; the schools, the media, the people. One must make a conscious effort and direct his will to acquire the knowledge and the experiences that will expand his perception and make him a richer and more individual human being as a result. One must not content himself to simply reject what is generally rejected, or to embrace what is generally embraced. One must question, and seek to develop and refine one's perception to enrich oneself, and be ever truer to one's individual needs and desires. A limited perception will express itself in a limited existence and one should only wish to widen his perception to include as much of life as one can. More so if one is of a creative nature, for creation is only perception expressed through an artistic discipline (but not necessarily what is deemed 'artistic' by the majority). A carpenter might benefit himself by becoming intimate with understanding the scientific principles that create the wood's texture and density for then, even though this knowledge might not be of any practical use, his appreciation and understanding of his material will be greatly expanded, and this might develop a new enthusiasm and creativity in his work. But everyone must seek their way to expand their perception, as no one knows oneself better than oneself. And no one can claim to have 'arrived' at an expanded perception and consciousness, as this is an ongoing and never ending journey through life. And for the so-called 'artist', one of creative disposition, this is a journey one must begin as soon as possible and continue for the rest of one's life. It only requires one to be open-minded, persistent and uninhibited by negative emotions.

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