August 30, 2009

I realize #10

The messiah complex, the need to help people is just that, a need. It comes not from a place of strength and confidence, but from a place of weakness and insecurity. By spending your time and energy on somebody else's problems it is easy to deceive yourself and avoid dealing with your own. "Save" yourself first -only then will you truly be able to naturally and effortlessly become a positive influence in someone's life. Always question your true motives for doing something -never be afraid to be radically honest with yourself. If your motive for helping others realize themselves is to validate yourself and feel better about yourself then your motive is purely selfish. You don't need a reason to help people -but if you go out of your way to accomplish that and you are obviously not self-realized yourself, then there's something else going on.

The messianic wish is not merely a general wish for improved conditions and for changes for the better, but the wish of that private person to become personally the redeemer of the world.

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