November 16, 2009

I have nothing to say and I am saying it.

In the realm of art, just as in life, you are either a leader or a follower. Leaders make new paths and point toward new ways for artistic expression. They are the minority and the followers the majority. What is new and original and controversial today becomes the standard by which all subsequent art is perceived and created, and if not the standard, then at least a factor. Leaders create art that demands a new perception, a new understanding, new values and a new language to be assimilated. Originality has no known reference point and as such is inaccessible to the majority who do not wish to reconsider their views and expand their perception, who prefer to remain safe in the rehashed predictability of today's art and not be open to art that makes way for the tomorrow. Such is the nature of man. Whatever is not understood must be rationalized, and rationalized in the most convenient way for oneself. All art that looks to the unknown and the untraveled is dismissed in the beginning, until it is (usually reluctantly) accepted, because times change and nothing stays still no matter how much man wishes for things to remain the same. Today's artistic pariah may very well be tomorrow's genius.

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