June 3, 2010

I realize #33

You cannot use rational thinking to resolve irrational behavior.

That is another one of the cunning strategies by which the irrational -the resistance within- attempts to protect its existence and misguide you by convincing you that you chose it consciously at some point and that therefore it must have some rational basis, some basis in 'reality' and therefore belongs with you, it is a part of you, maybe it even IS you...
It makes you believe that by using your rational faculties you can get rid of this proverbial splinter in your mind and essence that stands in your way. Do not believe it, do not get sucked into its alluring rhetoric. You will only be running in circles.
You can not reason with the irrational.
See it for what it is and reduce it to nothingness. It is a lie, a misconception, one that you did not chose anyway. It stands in the way of your freedom.

The objective of awareness is freedom of experience.

Freedom is not found in learning ways to win the fight against resistance but rather it is being without resistance. The process of enlightenment is getting rid of resistance in perception, action, thought & experience. Why learn to manage that which you do not need in the first place?

Resistance can acquire many forms and be perceived and understood in many ways; fear, anxiety, doubt, suffering, self-limitation, negativity, temptation, criticism, depression, anguish, despair, attachment, egoism, not being present... All those and many more are the result of but one thing, a perception of reality based on resistance and a meaning created through the filter of resistance.

Realize that meaning is not truth, and that there is no one truth, but only the truth you create and choose to be your truth, and you will be on your way to freedom.

Buddha said simply, " I teach suffering and the end of suffering."

Asked whether he was a god, a man or something else, he replied,

"I am awake."

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