July 10, 2010

I realize #39

The intellect, all that we call knowledge, and the cultivation thereof is but the means by which we play a very interesting game in our life, a very interesting act, but which however is not totality of life, but only a part of it for indeed it arises from it. Therefore we must not succumb to the confusion of identifying with this game of intellectual pursuit, of discussions and debates, of playing hide and seek by placing big distances between what we 'know' and what we 'don't know'... This game is just like any other game that is played for the pure enjoyment thereof, because it is interesting - and in that sense it is also significant. This game is not something serious, for it arises from thought and thought is immaterial and in constant flux, it has no substance except in relation to this game and other thoughts. Take it too seriously and we become blind to the fact of its non-importance, out of which its very sense of importance arises, as if to justify itself. Play it, and play it well by enjoy yourself while doing it, always remembering that if it ceases to be a game and becomes something 'serious', something terribly important, something which in one way or another IS life, then it loses all its potency and becomes a drag, makes one anxious and hopelessly stuck.

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