October 23, 2010

Letting Go?

[...] All I can say is that there is nothing to let go of. It is the illusion that there is something, a "self", a "you" that you believe you are holding on to. So long as you define "you" strictly by your knowledge of your past, your thoughts about the future and your self-awareness in the present moment, you cannot let go. Because the ego cannot let go of itself.

Self-consciousness is the barrier between what is construed as "self" and "other". Self-consciousness, the ego, "yourself" is the dividing line and the root of all fear. The ego is defined by what it separates itself from. The ego is defined by other, and as long as there is the perception of "other", there must be a "self". Fear then, is the resistance of "other".

Fear is what happens when you operate under the illusion of being separate from that which is happening to you. It is only the ego that is afraid. To resist the ego by means of the ego is futile at best and delusional at worst. The ego itself, or the self-consciousness in the present moment, or the sensation of "I" as something that experiences life, instead of being the experience is Resistance. The way it resists is by putting barriers between you and everything else, separating consciousness from Life and blocking experience and action.

When you see all of it is You, and that there is no "other", there is nothing more to fear. There are no barriers, no fears, no effort beyond the "self", beyond the ego.

What you are afraid of is what will set you free. It is the only means of liberation from "self" that has worked for me. It is only through facing fear that you truly come to see that there is no fear, there is no "self", and "you" are not what you think.

When you do what you fear, what goes beyond "yourself", you recognize there is no distinction between "self" and "other" -it was only your thoughts that told you so- and you become liberated from the illusion of control. The intellect cannot serve anything apart from the ego. Only through direct action can this be accomplished. As long as you act through the prism of a "self", whether you are trying to "let go" or not, it makes no difference because for a "self" to be there must be "other" and those two must be different. As long as you remain "yourself" there is the illusion of having to 'let go', which is just another form of Resistance.

There is nothing there to let go of.
There is nobody holding on to anything.

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