October 28, 2011

Ποίηση...(;) και άλλα τέτοια

Το να γράφεις ποίηση είναι βουτιά στην άβυσσο. Αν μπορείς ακόμη να περιγράφεις αυτό που βρίσκεις, τότε δε βρίσκεσαι ακόμη εκεί. Δεν έχεις βουτήξει. Δεν έχεις χαθεί. Ακονίζεις τα περιγραφικά όπλα σου απο ασφαλή απόσταση. Δεν θες ειλικρινά να γράψεις ποίηση. Θές να γίνεις ποιητής. Ακόμη προσπαθείς. Η ποίηση λοιπόν, δε φτιάχνεται. Ούτε ο ποιητής. Αλλά εσυ μοιάζεις με διψασμένο πηγάδι. Αναζητάς τη βροχή γιατί αρνείσαι το νερό μέσα σου, και αυτό βαλτώνει. Και όσο περισσότερο βαλτώνει, τόσο εσυ κυνηγάς την ποίηση. Η ματαιότητα που νιώθεις είναι η ίδια ασυνειδησία και ανειλικρίνεια που σε καθοδηγούν. Γιατί γράφεις; Νομίζεις πως πρέπει να το ορίσεις; Αν το ορίσεις, χάθηκες. Δεν υπάρχει γιατί, αν είσαι εκεί. Οτιδήποτε ουσιαστικό είναι ολοκληρωμένο, αυτούσιο. Δεν παραπέμπει αλλού. Δεν έχει «γιατί». Η βάση του είναι το απόλυτο μυστήριο. Η ουσία μεταφέρεται σιωπηλά. Αυτή γεννά τις λέξεις που μες στο σκοταδισμό σου χαίρεσαι να αποκαλείς «ποίηση». Είναι απλά λέξεις. Η ουσία δεν αποκτάται, δεν κερδίζεται, δεν χάνεται. Δεν έχει αρχή, δεν έχει τέλος. Ούτε γεννιέται ούτε πεθαίνει. Μονάχα βιώνεται η δε βιώνεται. Οι λέξεις που διαβάζεις, που γράφεις, δεν είναι λάμπες που θα σου δείξουν κάποιο δρόμο. Δε θα σου δώσουν κάτι. Διάβασε, γράψε, χωρίς προσδοκία, χωρίς προσπάθεια, χωρίς μνήμη. Κάνε τη βουτιά στο απροσδιόριστο. Αν υπάρχει κάτι ουσιαστικό θα το αντιληφθείς, είτε το θέλεις είτε όχι. Γιατί είναι αυτό που είσαι. Δεν είναι κάτι εξωτερικό. «Και πως θα βουτήξω στο απροσδιόριστο;» θα με ρωτήσεις.. «Μα τι βλακείες κάθεσαι και λες;» Είναι αλήθεια. Η γλώσσα μας εξαπατά. Η γλώσσα όμως δεν είναι παρά μια αναγκαία συμβολική απεικόνιση μιας φανταστικής πραγματικότητας. Στο απροσδιόριστο δε βουτάς. Οχι «εσύ». Το απροσδιόριστο είσαι Εσυ. Αρα μην αρχίσεις να ψάχνεις τη ράμπα να βουτήξεις. Δεν ξέρεις τι ψάχνεις. Απλά χάνεσαι περισσότερο με το να αναβάλλεις. Φτάσε μέχρι εκεί που συνειδητοποιείς πως δεν μπορείς να βουτήξεις στην άββυσο, γιατί πολύ απλά ήσουν πάντοτε εκεί. Και τότε θα βρείς πως η ουσία δεν είναι παρά η άλλη όψη της αβύσσου. Κάτι που δε μπόρεσες ποτέ να δείς, γιατί ήσουν πάντοτε απασχολημένος με το να αρνείσαι την άβυσσο, να μη δέχεσαι το μυστήριο, να προσδιορίζεις το απροσδιόριστο. Δε βλέπεις πως χτίζεις όλο και ψηλότερους πύργους στην άμμο;

October 8, 2011

auto kai telos.kala perasame.

Imitation is easy, it remains on the surface. It is not a commitment, commitment goes to the heart.

...the world consists of miserable people, and nobody is courageous enough to let the whole world go against him; it is too dangerous, too risky.

They feel cheated; you have something that is not available to them. Why are you happy? So we have learned down the ages a subtle mechanism: to repress happiness and to express misery. It has become our second nature.

Be happy, respect happiness, and help people to understand that happiness is the goal of life -- SATCHITANAND. The Eastern mystics have said God has three qualities. He is sat: he is truth, being. He is chit: consciousness, awareness. And, ultimately, the highest peak is anand: bliss. Wherever bliss is, God is. Whenever you see a blissful person, respect him, he is holy. And wherever you feel a gathering which is blissful, festive, think of it as a sacred place.

When you are enjoying, dancing, loving, or just sitting doing nothing, you are simply happy for no reason at all. And happiness needs no reason. If you are looking for reasons, you will never be happy. Happiness needs no cause; it cannot be caused. You cannot make it part of the world of cause and effect. It is absolutely illogical. If you want to be happy, be happy! Don't wait, don't arrange -- there is no need for any arrangement. You are capable of being happy just as you are. Nothing is lacking. If you can learn this much from me, you have learnt all, my whole art.

Darshan, that is why it is so difficult to be happy and so easy to be miserable. One thing more: misery needs no talents, anybody can afford it. Happiness needs talents, genius, creativity. Only creative people are happy.

Let this sink deep in your heart: only creative people are happy. Happiness is a by-product of creativity. Create something, and you will be happy. Create a garden, let the garden bloom, and something will bloom in you. Create a painting, and something starts growing in you with the growing painting. As the painting comes to the finish, as you are giving the last touches to the painting, you will see you are no more the same person. You are giving the last touches to something that is very new in you.

Meditation is to help you to enjoy so tremendously that you disappear in that enjoyment. If you remain, misery remains. Let me say it in this way: you are the misery. If you are, seriousness continues. Wherever you are, immediately you create a serious, somber climate around you; something is already dying. You are your death. You are the disease.

The miserable mind says time is needed. The miserable mind lives in time, depends on time. Happiness has nothing to do with time. Just now, just herenow, please try to see the point. It is a question of seeing it. If you become a little alert you can see it right now. It is a realization.

Right now, who is barring your path? And if you are thinking that before you can be happy you have to find a perfect wife... it looks logical: how can you be happy without a perfect wife? But have you ever heard about any perfect wife? Have you ever heard about any perfect husband, a perfect house or a perfect car? All illusions.

Perfection is a mind-demand, an ego-trip. Life is beautifully imperfect. Once you understand this, you start enjoying right now. And the more you enjoy, the more you become capable of enjoying.

Let me tell you: happiness needs no cause -- happiness needs only a habit of enjoying, just a natural quality, a capacity to enjoy. Nothing else is needed. And that capacity comes only by enjoying; by nothing else can it come. If you enjoy, you become more capable of enjoyment. The more you become capable, the more you enjoy. And this goes on and on; it reaches a higher and higher crescendo, a higher and higher peak.

You belong to the halfhearted because you have not loved life totally. Never think about my meditations as something other than life; never make them the opposite of life. I am not trying to give you coins other than life itself. I am not trying to make you convinced of some journey other than life. Life is the journey. Life is the goal.

Religion is not a separate journey. It is, really, to move in life so totally that life starts revealing all its secrets -- God, its innermost secret. Once you love and live life, it reveals more and more. Suddenly, one day, it reveals its secretmost center: God. Loving life, one day you love God. Living life, one day you live God.

So don't be halfhearted. Be totally in life. And I am not here to distract you from your life. It has already been done. The whole of humanity is suffering because of that. Religions have proved a calamity because they tried to make goals opposite to life, diametrically opposite to life.

Every moment comes out of this moment. The next moment will come out of this moment. If you have lived this moment totally, loved, delighted, the next moment will come out of this moment, and you will be born out of this moment. The next moment will open more possibilities and it will make you more capable.