Q: Don't you think you were pushing yourself a bit too far? You wrote lyrics with blood and took a lot of drugs. For a while when I heard your name I always thought of the Neil Young song "Too Far Gone." You seemed to be so self-destructive...
A : Not really. No, I don't think so. I just saw things differently then. When you're young you don't know anything about death. You don't even have an idea what death means. As you grow older, you're getting closer to it and one day you're going to wake up and realize that you'll die one day. You just wake up and realize that youth and life doesn't go on forever and you know you'll die, one day, sooner or later. The moment you find out about death, that you're going to die, it changes your life completely. I was growing older and I realized that I don't have time to waste, that my life is slipping away, that I have to use every minute of it.
A lot of my songs reflect the lessons I've learned in my life. Love isn't something that happens all that often, reciprocal love. Relationships usually have nothing to do with love. Love... Love is like a promise. For me it's a promise, a romantic big promise between two people. That's the perfect, romantic love.
- Nick Cave
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