September 20, 2007

Feminism + Religion - Reason = Brain Damage.

Save for Whoopi, the pretentiousness and know-it-all-I'm-correct-even-if-I-know-shit attitude of these women is enough to make any decent and self-respecting person out there puke his brains out. What kind of a dead-brain person watches a show where scientifically illiterate women discuss their opinion about the world and, of all things evolution?! Also notice the overall feminist air which peaks when one of the guests/hosts remarks "again HE" regarding God. I bet these assholes would harbor secret resentment if God (if he existed) ever revealed his true bearded gender. So fucking self-centered. Wake up and realize that you happen to be conscious in a world that is totally indifferent to human beings and their ridiculous pretensions.

Recommended reading by the one and only Christopher Hitchens.
The Richard Dawkins foundation for Reason and Science.

EDIT(20-09-07): Watching this again today (I lead an empty and vapid existence) I find the fact that the guest defends her self-admitted ignorance by playing the virtuous provider card a truly disturbing indication of the kind of mentality that is hindering our progress. She dismisses and undermines the importance of knowledge by treating it as a matter of priorities (the wellbeing of my child is more important than my ability to raise him to be a conscious and educated human being). I'm not saying that she is to choose "science" over her child -that's the whole goddamn point! She doesn't have to choose! It is emphatically not a matter of priorities! Her argument is so irrelevant that it makes her look even worse. Remember, we're talking "is the world round?" here, not nuclear physics. But I'm sure most people in the audience bought it without a question because she appealed to their morality and made it look like you must choose something. Consequently, it would make anyone completely immoral and irresponsible to 'choose' curiosity, interest and intellect. Be wary when people pull the big emotional words like family, nation, freedom, happiness, equality and so on on you. They're most likely trying to fuck you in the asshole and manipulate you to the point that you're willing to accept anything they say just so you don't feel wrong by their standards.

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