September 30, 2007

How low can you go?

Staying in the Jesus department..

FUCK David Socha

Straight from the devils mouth:

If you walk down a toy aisle, especially in America there's a lot of toys for boys and girls that glorify evil, glorify Satan and we've become so desensitized in our nation that we need to take a stand again and say, "you know what? let's do what's right" and this isn't a fundamentalist push -this is somebody just saying we want to bring good values back and morals.
Ahh, thank you so much my morally superior fellow human being! What would this putrid and degraded world ever do without you?
Seriously, these people know no limits. They probably know nothing at all. I have to believe that every thinking person reading this statement will be disgusted and appalled by the words of this man. Never mind that he looks like a deranged pedophile.

Let's dissect his statement:
"toys that glorify evil, glorify Satan"
This is just plain Christian propaganda. It implies that "evil" and "Satan" are two self-evident concepts that everyone, including kids of ages 1 to 6 have a concrete understanding of. This attempts to bully people by mentioning Satan which has an immediate emotional impact on most people who have had religious upbringing (which means a lot in the US) because Satan has been traditionally portrayed as the scariest and evilest thing imaginable.
"we've become so desensitized in our nation"
We have a major problem people, but we are a nation so we're all in this, we're all involved, we're all affected so..
"we need to take a stand again and say, "you know what? let's do what's right"
Yes, let's do what's RIGHT people! Do the RIGHT, the MORAL thing, for your CHILDREN! Buy overpriced, God-endorsing Jesus toys for your children! God forbid they play with them! No. They must LISTEN to Jesus telling them what to do over and over until THEY TOO learn what's RIGHT and GOOD and MORAL and then they can raise the next generation with the same God-fearing, GOOD CHRISTIAN ideals! Yes, raise your children to be afraid and stay away from everything WE label evil, satanist and immoral! Raise your children to love and praise OUR God and treat people who don't like EVIL IMMORAL SATAN LOVERS! Raise your children to be afraid of free inquiry, of questioning, of individuality, lest they BURN in a lake of fire for the rest of eternity! Raise them to be the next generation of good-old American consumers who will run to purchase anything we label as "what's right"!
"and this isn't a fundamentalist push"
No, not at all. He obviously believes all the crap that's coming out of his mouth, which makes him the more dangerous because he can't see past his own nose.
"this is somebody just saying we want to bring good values back and morals"
Yes, what I deem as good morals! I'm still amazed that he managed to appeal to patriotism, family values, moral values, religiosity and fear all in one sentence. Again, when someone is throwing in the big words he's trying to fuck you over. Ultimately his disgracing and patronizing allusion that people's morals are corrupted is directly disrespectful to every US citizen. But good morals don't come for free people! So, buy my toys, make me a rich asshole, condemn your child to a deprived existence, take away his joy of playing and replace it with boredom, and redeem yourself in the eyes of the Almighty.

Can't put it better than Bill:

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